Sunday, June 16, 2013

blogging again

Hi ya!!!
I'm back to blogging! Guess I appreciate this little space of mine after all, the only place i can pen type down my thoughts
whoa whoa w h o a holy shit, we're 2 weeks into June!!! JUNE 2013 O:
time is certainly passing too damn fast, slow down can pretty please? oh who am i kidding
2013 have been a really disastrous year, for me at least. a lot of shit had happened, mostly unpleasant owell *waves*
my birthday feels like yesterday.... hahahahaha
oh yes i'm finally legal whooop whoop *throws confetti and cabbage*

i'm having the 2 weeks term break rn, aka holidays
2 weeks...... too damn short ok. 1 week has just passed!!! (it's sunday today)
for the first week of holiday, i've drowned myself in working haha and i enjoy being preoccupied of course, it prevents me from overthinking (i have the tendency of imagining the worst out of everything)

during my free time when i'm not out w friends or whatever, i'd usually watch movies or read
currently reading 'the fault in our stars' and it really indeed is a great book and a really sad book
i get so emotional i really feel like crying reading it...... i'm serious
life is so fragile.... too fragile. the book teaches me learn to cherish the people i love around me more, because if you don't they might be gone already before you even realised.... and it's gonna be too late
funny how i used to have an ambition of becoming a doctor.... i wanted to cure cancers (i hate cancer so much)
but i eventually gave up.... not really a fantastic science student ha ha
well i mentioned this because the book is about cancer patients. and it really is worth the read :)

it's fathers' day today!!!!
i love you daddy, thank you for everything <3 p="">although i don't show much, but i really do love you very very much
i'm just bad in expressing how i feel......... :(
gonna head out for dinner in a while! ciaos~~~

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